
Franklin P. Adams, 1911, Tobogganing on Parnassus

Franklin P. Adams, 1912, In Other Words

Franklin P. Adams, 1914, By and Large

Franklin P. Adams, 1917, Weights & Measures

Franklin P. Adams, 1920, Something Else Again

Franklin P. Adams, 1923, So There!

Franklin P. Adams, 1925, So Much Velvet

Franklin P. Adams, 1936, The Melancholy Lute

Henry C. Adams, 1887, The Relation of the State to Industrial Action

James Truslow Adams, 1929, Our Business Civilization

James Truslow Adams, 1931, The Tempo of Modern Life

Anonymous (Introduction by Albert Jay Nock), 1940, Meditations in Wall Street

Walter Bagehot, 1871, The Metaphysical Society Papers

Walter Bagehot, 1867, 1872, The English Constitution

Walter Bagehot, 1872, Physics and Politics

The Love Letters of Walter Bagehot and Eliza Wilson, 1933

Quincy Bass, 1940, My Head is in the Stars

Bernard Berenson, 1952, Rumour and Reflection

J. S. Blake-Reed, 1942, Twentyfive Odes of Horace

J. S. Blake-Reed, 1944, More Odes of Horace

Patrick Branwell Brontë, 1923, The Odes of Quintus Horatius Flaccus

Christopher Burney, 1952, 1961, Solitary Confinement

Leonard Chalmers-Hunt, 1925, The Odes of Horace

John Jay Chapman, 1898, 1909, Causes and Consequences

John Jay Chapman, 1900, 1909, Practical Agitation

John Jay Chapman, 1910, Learning and Other Essays

John Jay Chapman, 1915, Memories and Milestones

John Jay Chapman, 1921, William Lloyd Garrison

John Jay Chapman, 1924, Letters and Religion

John Jay Chapman, 1930, The Antigone of Sophocles

John Jay Chapman, 1932, New Horizons in American Life

John Jay Chapman, 2022, Uncollected Memories

Erwin Chargaff, 1977, Voices in the Labyrinth

Erwin Chargaff, 1978, Heraclitean Fire

Erwin Chargaff, 1986, Serious Questions: An ABC of Skeptical Reflections

John Conington, 1863, The Odes of Horace

John Conington, 1870, The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry of Horace

Gilbert F. Cunningham, 1935, Horace: An Essay and Some Translations

G. Lowes Dickinson, 1901, The Meaning of Good: A Dialogue

G. Lowes Dickinson, 1903, Letters from a Chinese Official

G. Lowes Dickinson, 1905, A Modern Symposium

G. Lowes Dickinson, 1907, Justice and Liberty: A Political Dialogue

G. Lowes Dickinson, 1914, Appearances: Being Notes of Travel

G. Lowes Dickinson, 1920, The Magic Flute

G. Lowes Dickinson, 1930, After Two Thousand Years

Harold Baily Dixon, 1910, Translations from The Odes of Horace

Peter F. Drucker, 1939, The End of Economic Man

Peter F. Drucker, 1942, The Future of Industrial Man

Finley Peter Dunne, The Complete Mr. Dooley

Gardner Wade Earle, 1949, Moments With (and Without) Horace

Hugh Edwards, 1933, All Night at Mr. Stanyhurst’s

John Erskine, 1915, The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent

Gerard Fenwick, 1917, The Odes of Horace, Book I

Eugene and Roswell Martin Field, 1896, Echoes from the Sabine Farm

E. M. Forster, 1905, Where Angels Fear to Tread

E. M. Forster, 1923, Pharos & Pharillon

E. M. Forster, 1934, Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson

E. M. Forster, 1936, Abinger Harvest

E. M. Forster, 1951, Two Cheers for Democracy

E. M. Forster, 1953, The Hill of Devi

L. E. Gielgud, 1951, Horace in Modern Dress

T. R. Glover, 1932, Horace: A Return to Allegiance

Ahad Ha-Am, 1912, Two Essays

Theodor Haecker, 1950, Journal in the Night

Philip Gilbert Hamerton, 1875, The Intellectual Life

Oliver Wendell Holmes, sr., 1890, Over the Teacups

A. E. Housman, 1937, Introductory Lecture

Johan Huizinga, 1935, In the Shadow of Tomorrow

Aldous Huxley, 1923, On the Margin

Aldous Huxley, 1925, Along the Road

Aldous Huxley, 1926, Jesting Pilate

Aldous Huxley, 1927, Proper Studies

Aldous Huxley, 1929, Do What You Will

Aldous Huxley, 1930, Music at Night

Aldous Huxley, 1932, Brave New World

Aldous Huxley, 1934, Beyond the Mexique Bay

Aldous Huxley, 1936, The Olive Tree

Aldous Huxley, 1937, Ends and Means

Aldous Huxley, 1941, Grey Eminence

Aldous Huxley, 1947, Science, Liberty and Peace

Aldous Huxley, 1950, Themes & Variations

Aldous Huxley, 1956, Adonis and the Alphabet

Aldous Huxley, 1958, Brave New World Revisited

L. P. Jacks, 1927, Constructive Citizenship

William James, 1907, Pragmatism

Jean de La Bruyère, 1688, The Characters

Suzanne La Follette, 1926, Concerning Women

W. Compton Leith, 1908, Apologia Diffidentis

Fred Bates Lund and Robert Montraville Green, 1953, Quintus Horatius Flaccus

Desmond MacCarthy, 1931, Portraits

Desmond MacCarthy, 1932, Criticism

Desmond MacCarthy, 1935, Experience

Desmond MacCarthy, 1951, Shaw

Desmond MacCarthy, 1953, Memories

Desmond MacCarthy, 1954, Humanities

Arthur Salusbury MacNalty, 1955, The Odes of Horace: Books I and II

Edward Marsh, 1941, The Odes of Horace

A. Gordon Mitchell, 1921, The Odes of Horace: Book III

Ascott Robert Hope Moncrieff, 1926, Horace Up to Date

Max Muller, 1874, Memories: A Story of German Love

Friedrich Nietzsche, 1874, Schopenhauer as Educator

Albert Jay Nock, 1922, The Myth of a Guilty Nation

Albert Jay Nock, 1924, The Freeman Book

Albert Jay Nock, 1926, Jefferson

Albert Jay Nock, 1928, On Doing the Right Thing

Albert Jay Nock and C. R. Wilson, 1929, Rabelais: The Man and His Work

Albert Jay Nock, 1930, The Book of Journeyman

Albert Jay Nock, 1932, The Theory of Education in the United States

Albert Jay Nock, 1934, A Journey Into Rabelais’s France

Albert Jay Nock, 1934, A Journal of These Days

Albert Jay Nock, 1935, Our Enemy, The State

Albert Jay Nock, 1937, Free Speech and Plain Language

Albert Jay Nock, 1939, Henry George: An Essay

Albert Jay Nock, 1943, Memoirs of a Superfluous Man

Albert Jay Nock, 1948, Journal of Forgotten Days

Letters from Albert Jay Nock, 1924–1945

Albert Jay Nock, 2023, Things as They Are

Albert Jay Nock, 2023, State of the Union

Alfred Noyes, 1947, Portrait of Horace

José Ortega y Gasset, 1921, España Invertebrada

José Ortega y Gasset, 1937, Invertebrate Spain

José Ortega y Gasset, 1930, The Revolt of the Masses

John Cowper Powys, 1916, Essays on Montaigne, Pascal, Voltaire

Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, 1927, A Lecture on Lectures

Thomas Raucat, 1924, The Honorable Picnic

Agnes Repplier, 1894, In the Dozy Hours

Agnes Repplier, 1904, Compromises

Agnes Repplier, 1908, A Happy Half-Century

Agnes Repplier, 1912, Americans and Others

Agnes Repplier, 1916, Counter-Currents

Agnes Repplier, 1920, Points of Friction

Agnes Repplier, 1924, Under Dispute

Agnes Repplier, 1931, Times and Tendencies

Agnes Repplier, 1937, Eight Decades

Edwin Arlington Robinson, 1897, The Children of the Night

G. R. Sayer, 1922, Selected Odes of Horace

Dorothy L. Sayers, 1940, Begin Here: A War-Time Essay

Dorothy L. Sayers, 1941, The Mind of the Maker

Bernard Shaw, 1931, The Apple Cart

Bernard Shaw, 1934, On the Rocks

Bernard Shaw, 1938, Geneva

Alfred Sidgwick, 1893, The Process of Argument

Alfred Sidgwick, 1901, The Use of Words in Reasoning

Alfred Sidgwick, 1910, The Application of Logic

Logan Pearsall Smith, 1933, All Trivia

Leo Stein, 1946, Appreciation: Painting, Poetry and Prose

Robert Louis Stevenson, 1916, An Ode of Horace

Mark Van Doren, 1958, Don Quixote’s Profession

George Meason & George Frisbie Whicher, 1912, On the Tibur Road

Anne Goodwin Winslow, 1943, The Dwelling Place

Anne Goodwin Winslow, 1946, Cloudy Trophies

Anne Goodwin Winslow, 1947, A Quiet Neighborhood

Anne Goodwin Winslow, 1949, The Springs

Anne Goodwin Winslow, 1949, It Was Like This

Leo Wong, 2018, Gospel Scenes and Reflections

Stefan Zweig, 1917, Jeremiah

Stefan Zweig, 1934, Erasmus of Rotterdam

Stefan Zweig, 1936, The Right to Heresy: Castellio against Calvin

Stefan Zweig, 1937, The Buried Candelabrum