
2024-07-20 Aldous Huxley, on “the error of speaking about certain categories of persons as though they were …

2024-07-18 New at IWP Books: G. Lowes Dickinson, 1907, Justice and Liberty: A Political Dialogue. Books by GLD …

2024-07-14 New at IWP Books: Thomas Raucat (1924) The Honorable Picnic. One of Jacques Barzun’s Favorite Books: …

2024-07-11 New at IWP Books: Hugh Edwards (1933) All Night at Mr. Stanyhurst’s. One of Jacques Barzun’s …

2024-07-09 New at IWP Books: Bernard Berenson (1952) Rumour and Reflection. On April 19, 1944: London and New …

2024-07-04 New at IWP Books: G. Lowes Dickinson, 1901, The Meaning of Good: A Dialogue.

2024-07-02 From G. Lowes Dickinson’s Recollections (cited in E. M. Forster’s biography): To me the worst kind …


2024-07-01 New at IWP Books: G. Lowes Dickinson (1914) Appearances: Being Notes of Travel (in India, China, …

2024-06-27 New at IWP Books: E. M. Forster, 1905, Where Angels Fear to Tread (PDF) Noel Annan, 1965, “The …

2024-06-24 New at IWP Books: E. M. Forster (1923) Pharos & Pharillon. The career of Menelaus was a series …

2024-06-23 New at IWP Books: E. M. Forster (1953) The Hill of Devi. Jacques Barzun, “The Secretary’s Turban and …

2024-06-20 New at IWP Books: E. M. Forster (1934) Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson. W. H. Auden (Foreword to the …

2024-06-17 New at IWP Books: Leo Stein (1947) Appreciation: Painting, Poetry and Prose. From the Introduction: …

2024-06-15 Leo Stein on William James (American Mercury, 1926). Soon at IWP Books: Stein’s (1947) Appreciation: …

2024-06-14 From E. M. Forster (1940/1951), “Tolerance” (Two Cheers for Democracy): Tolerance, I believe, will …

2024-06-12 New at IWP Books: E. M. Forster (1951) Two Cheers for Democracy. From Jacques Barzun, “Why Not the …

2024-06-09 George Santayana (Selected Critical Writings, 1968) on Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson: My other friend …

2024-06-05 New at IWP Books: E. M. Forster, 1936, Abinger Harvest. Which, according to Aldous Huxley, “contains …

2024-06-04 From Jacques Barzun, “Beliefs for Sale: 1900–1950” (2001/2002, The Georgia Review, v. 55/56): I was …

2024-06-02 Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Christmas Album

2024-05-26 Update: Aldous Huxley at IWP Books: 1923, On the Margin 1925, Along the Road 1926, Jesting Pilate …

2024-05-21 From “Books for the Journey” (Aldous Huxley, 1925, Along the Road: Notes and Essays of a Tourist): …

2024-05-19 Aldous Huxley at IWP Books: 1923, On the Margin 1926, Jesting Pilate 1927, Proper Studies 1929, Do …

2024-05-16 Aldous Huxley Interviewed by Mike Wallace.

2024-05-14 More by Huxley at IWP Books: Grey Eminence (1941) and Themes & Variations (1950)

2024-05-08 New at IWP Books: Aldous Huxley, 1936, The Olive Tree and Other Essays. The essay on Words and …

2024-05-05 New at IWP Books: Aldous Huxley, 1923, On the Margin. From the Essay on Pleasures: We have heard a …

2024-05-03 Review of D. J. Taylor’s Who Is Big Brother? by Theodore Dalrymple.

2024-05-02 New at IWP Books: Aldous Huxley, 1956, Adonis and the Alphabet.

2024-04-29 New at IWP Books: Aldous Huxley, 1930, Music at Night. From the Essay on Foreheads Villainous Low: …

2024-04-27 New at IWP Books: Desmond MacCarthy, Shaw, 1951. From Jacques Barzun’s review of the book: Desmond …

2024-04-23 New at IWP Books, Two by Bernard Shaw: On the Rocks (1934) and Geneva (1938). Jacques Barzun, From …

2024-04-19 New at IWP Books: Desmond MacCarthy, Experience, 1935. Three Parts: Of Human Nature; During the War; …

2024-04-14 Sleepless night (in Israel), some of the time working on: Desmond MacCarthy, Humanities, 1954. Now …

2024-04-11 New at IWP Books: Desmond MacCarthy, Memories, 1953. Chapters on Lytton Strachey, Kipling, …

2024-04-07 New at IWP Books: John Jay Chapman, 1924, Letters and Religion. From the Book: On Horace It is …

2024-04-05 New at IWP Books: Desmond MacCarthy, Criticism, 1932. Chapters on Samuel Butler, George Santayana, …

2024-04-02 Tyler Piccotti on Artemus Ward. Albert Jay Nock on Artemus Ward (1924) and on Artemus Ward’s America …

2024-04-02 For Patrick Kurp. New at IWP Books: Desmond MacCarthy, Portraits, 1931. Arthur Krystal (A Word or …

2024-03-27 New at IWP Books: Logan Pearsall Smith, All Trivia, 1933. Arthur Krystal (A Word or Two Before I Go, …

2024-03-25 New at IWP Books: Eugene and Roswell Martin Field, 1896, Echoes from the Sabine Farm

2024-03-23 Patrick Kurp on Franklin Pierce Adams.

2024-03-20 F.P.A. at IWP Books (Update): Tobogganing on Parnassus (1911) In Other Words (1912) By and Large …

2024-03-20 The W-Word by Theodore Dalrymple. “The idea that the sex of a person is simply a matter of …

2024-03-20 Hope for Harvard? by James Hankins. “Few indeed were left who had seen the republic.”

2024-03-18 From F.P.A., the Life and Times of Franklin Pierce Adams by Sally Ashley (1986): As the months …

2024-03-13 Franklin P. Adams at IWP Books: Tobogganing on Parnassus (1911) By and Large (1914) Something Else …

2024-03-11 New in Books: Tobogganing on Parnassus, Franklin P. Adams, 1911. On F.P.A.: “In those days of …

2024-03-08 New in Translations: Quintus Horatius Flaccus: A Selection of His Works, Rendered into English Verse …

2024-03-06 New in Translations: My Head is in the Stars, by Quincy Bass, 1940.

2024-03-03 New in Translations: The Odes of Horace, Translated by Leonard Chalmers-Hunt, 1925. Chalmers-Hunt …

2024-03-03 I spent a few days at the British Library making copies of translations. The numbers in parenthesis …

2024-02-26 New in Translations: Patrick Branwell Brontë, 1923, The Odes of Quintus Horatius Flaccus

2024-02-26 Publication Date, 1483.

2024-02-25 New in Translations: Robert Louis Stevenson, 1916, An Ode of Horace

2024-02-22 A Restoration of Vitality to American Institutions by Philip K. Howard

2024-02-21 Patrick Kurp on Rudyard Kipling.

2024-02-20 New in Translations. As far as I can ascertain, these are not available elsewhere online: Gilbert …

2024-02-17 IWP Books at The Horatian Society News Page.

2024-02-16 New in Translations: John Conington, 1870, The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry of Horace

2024-02-09 From Alfred Noyes, Portrait of Horace: It is strange to reflect that the thread of the life we have …

2024-02-08 New in Translations: Alfred Noyes, 1947, Portrait of Horace

2024-02-03 Collections of English Translations of the Odes. Update: One new collection, 75 new translations …

2024-02-02 From T. R. Glover, 1932, Horace: A Return to Allegiance: When Cervantes discusses Don Quixote with …

2024-02-02 New in Translations: T. R. Glover, 1932, Horace: A Return to Allegiance New in Articles: Percy …

2024-02-01 Alan Jacobs (@ayjay) on Reading Horace.

2024-01-31 New in Translations: Ascott Robert Hope Moncrieff, 1926, Horace Up to Date George Meason & …

2024-01-30 From Walter Bagehot’s “Béranger,” 1857: The point in which Béranger most …

2024-01-30 Walter Bagehot on Horace (From “Béranger,” 1857): …the spirit of Horace is alive, and as potent as …

2024-01-29 Dorothy Sayers on John Milton’s Translation of Ad Pyrrham.

2024-01-26 By the time of his death in 1955, Sir Ronald Storrs had collected about 350 translations of the Ode …

2024-01-24 Remembering Nicholas Rescher, A Gentle Giant by John Haldane

2024-01-23 “This little collection is dedicated above all to those persons who have no system and belong …

2024-01-22 Hod Hasharon, Israel, 2024

2024-01-22 The Humanity of Horace by Llewelyn Morgan.

2024-01-15 All the President’s Mien by Theodore Dalrymple.

2024-01-10 Theodore Dalrymple on The Food Police. Jacques Barzun on Administering and the Law: Administering …

2024-01-09 Patrick Kurp on Joseph Epstein

2024-01-08 Collections of English Translations of the Odes. Update: 53 Translations Added! 172 translations of …

2024-01-03 Another year! – another deadly blow! Another mighty Empire overthrown! And We are left, or …

2024-01-03 Broken Codes of Conduct by Theodore Dalrymple.

2023-12-28 New Collection of Translations: 232 English Translations of Horace’s Persicos Odi (Odes I.38). …

2023-12-23 New Collection of Translations: 169 English Translations of Horace’s Solvitur Acris Hiems.

2023-12-23 Collections of English Translations of the Odes (Updated): 169 translations of Solvitur Acris Hiems …

2023-12-14 Who are you, shipwrecked man? Leontichus found My corpse on the shore and over it heaped this mound, …

2023-12-12 New Collection of Translations: 202 English Translations of Horace’s Vides Ut Alta.

2023-12-03 Collections of English Translations of the Odes (Updated): 211 translations of Carpe Diem (Odes …

2023-12-03 New Collection of Translations: 173 English Translations of Horace’s Fons Bandusiae.

2023-11-26 Collections of English Translations of the Odes (Updated): 205 translations of Carpe Diem (Odes …

2023-11-25 New Collection of Translations: 170 English Translations of Horace’s Vitas Hinnuleo.

2023-11-21 New Collection of Translations: 167 English Translations of Horace’s Eheu Fugaces.

2023-10-25 New Collection of Translations: 160 English Translations of Horace’s Rectius Vives.

2023-10-19 Collections of English Translations of the Odes (Updated): 200 translations of Carpe Diem (Odes …

2023-10-13 …sed inprovisa leti vis rapuit rapietque gentis. (Horace, II.13) …but Death strikes …

2023-10-07 New at IWP Books: A Quiet Neighborhood (1947) by Anne Goodwin Winslow.

2023-10-06 Anne Goodwin Winslow at Neglected Books.

2023-10-05 Gentle Rereader …Rediscovering Jacques Barzun by John Adams.

2023-10-05 Soon at IWP Books: A Quiet Neighborhood (1947) by Anne Goodwin Winslow.

2023-10-04 Ordered: The Novel, Who Needs It? by Joseph Epstein 📚

2023-10-04 …if we take an active part in politics, we must avoid the intellectual’s temptation to …

2023-10-04 New at IWP Books: Eight Decades (1937) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-10-03 New at IWP Books: In the Dozy Hours (1894) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-10-03 New at IWP Articles: Sympathy (1894) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-10-03 Jacques Barzun on Reading the Dictionary: As a man grows older it is likely that the new books to …

2023-10-03 Patrick Kurp on Reading the Dictionary.

2023-10-02 A Path Forward by Alan Jacobs.

2023-10-02 How do the waves along the level shore Follow and fly in hurrying sheets of foam, For ever doing …

2023-10-02 Ordered: Henry James: Travel Writings Vol. 1 (LOA #64) and Henry James: Travel Writings Vol. 2 (LOA …

2023-10-01 Agnes Repplier at IWP Books: In the Dozy Hours (1894) Compromises (1904) Americans and Others …

2023-10-01 New at IWP Books: Americans and Others (1912) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-09-30 Tel Aviv, September 30, 2023.

2023-09-29 New at IWP Books: Compromises (1904) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-09-28 Arion Press is looking for a Sales & Marketing Manager. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer …

2023-09-27 Horace Howard Furness: By John Jay Chapman By Agnes Repplier

2023-09-27 From Propers Studies (1927) by Aldous Huxley: Sociologists and historians are inclined to talk …

2023-09-27 New at IWP Books: Proper Studies (1927) by Aldous Huxley.

2023-09-26 Patrick Kurp on David Myers.

2023-09-25 Michael Dirda on American Austen: The Forgotten Writing of Agnes Repplier (ed. John Lukacs).

2023-09-25 Yom Kippur in a Small Israeli Town, 2023.

2023-09-25 Yom Kippur in a Small Israeli Town, 2023.

2023-09-25 Yom Kippur in a Small Israeli Town, 2023.

2023-09-25 Soon at IWP Books: Proper Studies (1927) by Aldous Huxley; Compromises (1904) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-09-23 Theodore Dalrymple on Faded Prestige.

2023-09-22 From “Memoirs, Conversations, and Diaries,” by Elizabeth Hardwick (Collected Essays, …

2023-09-21 From Montaigne et la philosophie by Marcel Conche: Montaigne is ironic about the words of …

2023-09-21 From The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1: An Experiment in Literary Investigation by Aleksandr I. …

2023-09-21 Pierre Villey on Grace Norton, Foreword to Lexique De La Langue Des Essais: One day in 1913, I was …

2023-09-19 From The Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes, ed. Clifton Fadiman: (1) To Queen Christina Descartes …

2023-09-19 Ariel Porat, President of Tel Aviv University, September 19, 2023: I call upon all who hold the …

2023-09-18 From Alain on Happiness (1973), Translated by Robert D. and Jane E. Cottrell: Elms “The leaves are …

2023-09-17 From Alain on Happiness (1973), Translated by Robert D. and Jane E. Cottrell: The Dagger Dance …

2023-09-16 From Alain on Happiness (1973), Translated by Robert D. and Jane E. Cottrell: Predictions I know …

2023-09-16 Patrick Kurp on Alain.

2023-09-15 From Alain on Happiness (1973), Translated by Robert D. and Jane E. Cottrell: Bucephalus When a …

2023-09-15 The Novel, Who Needs It? by Joseph Epstein.

2023-09-15 From Alain on Happiness (1973), Translated by Robert D. and Jane E. Cottrell: Travelling In these …

2023-09-15 From Whatever Happened to Culture by Joseph Epstein: Where once university English, History and …

2023-09-15 New at IWP Articles: If My Library Burned Tonight (1947) by Aldous Huxley. If my library burned …

2023-09-15 The Encyclopedia Britannica (1911) article on Rabelais, by George Saintsbury. Other (not all) …

2023-09-15 From Whatever Happened to Culture by Joseph Epstein: As for that ruck, defined as a crowd of …

2023-09-15 Amos Oz: Writer, Activist, Icon by Robert Alter.

2023-09-14 From Do What You Will (1929) by Aldous Huxley: Swift’s prodigious powers were marshalled on …

2023-09-13 From Alain by André Maurois: His third secret: reading. There was never such a reader as Alain. He …

2023-09-13 From Alain by André Maurois: When I told him I was hoping to become a writer, he advised me to …

2023-09-13 From Alain by André Maurois: I have known few great men; few, that is, of absolutely flawless …

2023-09-13 New at IWP Articles: Alain (1952) by André Maurois

2023-09-13 New at IWP Books: The Buried Candelabrum (1937) by Stefan Zweig.

2023-09-13 Miseducating the American Mind by William Deresiewicz.

2023-09-11 New at IWP Books: The Right to Heresy: Castellio against Calvin (1936) by Stefan Zweig.

2023-09-09 “One must judge men, not by their opinions, but by what their opinions have made of …

2023-09-09 From Erasmus of Rotterdam by Stefan Zweig: Only when the impulse to violence is inspired with an …

2023-09-09 From Erasmus of Rotterdam by Stefan Zweig: Erasmus loved books, not merely for their contents, but …

2023-09-09 From Erasmus of Rotterdam by Stefan Zweig: But lo, like a belated swallow, someone came knocking at …

2023-09-08 New at IWP Books: Erasmus of Rotterdam (1934) by Stefan Zweig.

2023-09-05 Currently Reading: Nonrequired Reading by Wislawa Szymborska 📚 I’m old-fashioned and think that …

2023-09-05 Currently Reading: Jakob von Gunten by Robert Walser 📚

2023-09-04 More by Nicolás Gómez Dávila: No esperemos que la civilización renazca, mientras el hombre no …

2023-09-04 Two Articles on Nicolás Gómez Dávila: Nicolás Gómez Dávila: The Nietzsche From the Andes (2019), …

2023-08-31 When Charles Lamb was little more than a toddler, his sister, Mary, took him for a walk in the …

2023-08-31 Every book worth reading at all should immediately be read twice, partly because we understand …

2023-08-30 In the république des instituteurs, Emile-Auguste Chartier was sovereign. He signed himself “Alain.” …

2023-08-29 Heine died in poverty, deserted by his friends. The sole person to attend his deathbed in his …

2023-08-29 During the winter of 1894–95 Hamsun visited Paris for the first time. On his return home …

2023-08-28 My long pupilship with Jacques Barzun began when I was a sophomore at Columbia College and he was an …

2023-08-28 Carneades used to say that the sons of princes learned nothing rightly but how to manage horses, …

2023-08-28 Qui voudrait jouer aux cartes sans risquer jamais de perdre? Voici un vieux roi qui joue avec des …

2023-08-28 Some months after the end of his term as president, Eisenhower was asked if leaving the White House …

2023-08-28 During the Peloponnesian War an eclipse occurred when Pericles was about to set out to sea. As the …

2023-08-27 Shortly before Austria went fascist, in 1938, Schuschnigg is reported to have said that 25 per cent …

2023-08-27 After Einstein had gone into exile, a hundred Nazi professors published a book condemning his …

2023-08-27 A Thessalian brought an exceptionally beautiful horse, named Bucephalus, to the Macedonian court, …

2023-08-27 Lorsqu’un petit enfant crie et ne veut pas être consolé, la nourrice fait souvent les plus …

2023-08-27 Censuring Stalin at a public meeting, Khrushchev was interrupted by a voice from the audience. …

2023-08-27 During William Morris’s last visit to Paris, he spent much of his time in the restaurant of …

2023-07-17 New at IWP Books: Jeremiah (1917) by Stefan Zweig.

2023-07-13 Horace’s Diffugere Nives by Camões, 1595 (& 182 English Translations): Fogem as neves …

2023-07-04 From 2007, Arthur Krystal on Jacques Barzun: Next month, Barzun, the eminent historian and cultural …

2023-07-04 “Before 1914 the critics and scholars of Central Europe were particularly free of national …

2023-07-03 From Nietzsche’s Human, All Too Human (tr. Hollingdale): More respect for those who know! – …

2023-07-02 Fin-De-Siècle Vienna Reading List: Fin-De-Siècle Vienna by Carl E. Schorske Thinking with History …

2023-07-02 From Thinking with History by Carl E. Schorske: I avoided a history major, which I felt would tie …

2023-07-02 From Fin-De-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture by Carl E. Schorske: The Jewish state as he …

2023-07-01 New at IWP Books: Times and Tendencies (1931) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-07-01 Ver Sacrum, Online at the Belvedere Library. Recommended: Ver Sacrum: The Vienna Secession Art …

2023-06-30 Brief to Anton Peschka (1917), by Egon Schiele, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-30 Still Life with Books (1916) by Egon Schiele, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-30 Print for Ver Sacrum Cover (1899) by Koloman Moser, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-30 Calendar 1906, School of Arts and Sciences, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-30 Death and Life (1910/1911) by Gustav Klimt, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-30 From the September 1899 Issue of Ver Sacrum, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-30 From the September 1899 Issue of Ver Sacrum, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-30 Study for Juliet (c. 1886) by Gustav Klimt, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-30 Compositional Study (Undated) by Egon Schiele, Leopold Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-27 Procession to Calvary (1564) by Pieter Bruegel, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 The Return of the Herd (1565) by Pieter Bruegel, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 Hunters in the Snow (1565) by Pieter Bruegel, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 Peasant Wedding (1568) by Pieter Bruegel, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 Peasant Dance (1568) by Pieter Bruegel, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 The Massacre of the Innocents (1569) by Pieter Bruegel, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 The Tower of Babel (1563) by Pieter Bruegel, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 The Torment of the Ten Thousand Christians (1508) by Albrecht Dürer, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 Old Man (1651) by Govaert Flinck, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 Self Portrait (1638/40) by Peter Paul Rubens, KHM, Vienna.

2023-06-27 The Feast of the Bean King (ca. 1640) by Jacob Jordaens, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 Death and Maiden (1915) by Egon Schiele, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 Solitude (1902) by Karl Mediz, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 The Transportation of Wounded Soldiers (1853) by August von Pettenkofen, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 The Treasurer (1910) by Oskar Kokoschka, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 Path in Monet’s Garden in Giverny (1902) by Claude Monet, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 Decayed Cemetery in Goisern (1887) by Olga Wisinger-Florian, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 Falling Leaves (1899) by Olga Wisinger-Florian, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 Flowering Poppies (1907) by Gustav Klimt, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 Eve (1881) by Auguste Rodin, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 The Kiss (1908) by Gustav Klimt, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-26 Cottage Garden with Sunflowers (1906) by Gustav Klimt, Belvedere Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 Tryptich (1991) by Franz Gertsch, Albertina Modern, Vienna.

2023-06-25 Winter Landscape (1925) by Franz Sedlacek, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 View of Vernet-les-Bains (1925) by Oskar Kokoschka, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 Sleeping Woman with Flowers (1972) by Marc Chagall, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 “Prisoner!” (1912) by Egon Schiele, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 Four Women on a Plinth (1950) by Alberto Giacometti, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 The Golden Horn (1907) by Paul Signac, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 Sunset (1883) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 The Human Race Threatened by Water (1804) by Robert Von Langer, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 The Entombment (1819) by Robert Von Langer, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 The Assassination of Caesar (1810) by Heinrich Friedrich Füger, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 John the Baptist (1802) by Heinrich Friedrich Füger, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 Socrates in Prison (ca. 1800) by Josef Abel, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 The Duel Between Eteocles and Polynices (ca. 1820) by Bartolomeo Pinelli, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 Oedipus and Antigone Leaving Thebes (1797) by Joseph Anton Koch, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-25 Clio, Albertina Museum, Vienna.

2023-06-24 New at IWP Books: Under Dispute (1924) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-06-23 View from the BYU Jerusalem Center, Yesterday.

2023-06-23 Aldous Huxley on Montaigne (From Collected Essays): The perfection of any artistic form is rarely …

2023-06-23 From Albert O. Hirschman’s (1971) A Bias for Hope: Most social scientists conceive it as …

2023-06-16 Rereading “Clio and the Doctors” by Jacques Barzun.

2023-06-05 New at IWP Books: Points of Friction (1920) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-06-03 New at IWP Books: Counter-Currents (1916) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-05-31 New at IWP Books: The Tempo of Modern Life (1931) by James Truslow Adams. Begin Here!

2023-05-29 Philadelphia, Patricians & Philistines, 1900–1950 by John Lukacs. Chapter on Agnes …

2023-05-27 New at IWP Books: Our Business Civilization (1929) by James Truslow Adams.

2023-05-24 New at IWP Books: Meditations in Wall Street, 1940, Anonymous, With an Introduction by Albert Jay …

2023-05-22 New at IWP Articles: “The Tempo of Modern Life” (1931) by James Truslow Adams.

2023-05-21 New at IWP Articles: “Diminishing Returns in Modern Life” (1931) by James Truslow Adams.

2023-05-21 New at IWP Articles: “Is Science a Blind Alley?” (1931) by James Truslow Adams.

2023-05-20 New at IWP Articles: “Sweetness and Light — Sixty Years After” (1931) by James Truslow …

2023-05-20 From Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead: “One of the happiest times that I know of in the history …

2023-05-19 New at IWP Books: Science, Liberty and Peace (1947) by Aldous Huxley.

2023-05-18 From Concerning Women (1926) by Suzanne La Follette: The dominant spirit among us is not only not …

2023-05-18 From Concerning Women (1926) by Suzanne La Follette: It is not the fear of want alone which …

2023-05-18 New at IWP Books: Concerning Women (1926) by Suzanne La Follette.

2023-05-17 Soon at IWP Books: Concerning Women (1926) by Suzanne La Follette.

2023-05-16 “7 September — The worst thing I see about life at the present time is that whereas the ability to …

2023-05-16 From “A Study of Romeo” (Emerson and Other Essays) by John Jay Chapman: The plays of …

2023-05-13 From the Translator’s Preface to Invertebrate Spain: The first three essays herein presented …

2023-05-13 From Invertebrate Spain by José Ortega y Gasset: Strict Catholic dogma limits itself to demanding …

2023-05-13 From Invertebrate Spain by José Ortega y Gasset: It is well known that a region’s humidity is …

2023-05-09 Next at IWP Books: Selected Works of Artemus Ward, Edited by Albert Jay Nock Invertebrate Spain, by …

2023-05-06 Artemus Ward on Woman’s Rights: “My female frends,” sed I, “be4 you leeve, I’ve a few …

2023-05-06 Artemus Ward on Jeff. Davis: Jeff. Davis is not poplar here. She is regarded as a Southern …

2023-05-04 Two by Ambrose Bierce: One can not be trusted to feel until one has learned to think. Must one be …

2023-05-04 All the books by Albert Jay Nock now available at IWP Books: The Myth of a Guilty Nation, 1922 The …

2023-05-01 The Freeman, 1920–1924

2023-05-01 “Fountains of Joy” by Albert Jay Nock (The Freeman, March 21, 1923) Current discussions …

2023-05-01 “Toadstools” by Albert Jay Nock (The Freeman, May 5, 1923) In one of his earlier books …

2023-04-30 “An Undelivered Address” by B. W. Huebsch (The Freeman, Aug 8, 1923): The train stopped …

2023-04-30 Like most of our contemporaries we have become so lost among the trees of new knowledge that we can …

2023-04-29 “Social reform is not to be secured by noise and shouting, by complaints and denunciations, by …

2023-04-28 “For there is no doubt that the most radical division that is possible to make of humanity is that …

2023-04-28 Works by Albert Jay Nock at IWP Books: Jefferson, 1926 On Doing the Right Thing, 1928. Francis …

2023-04-25 New at IWP Books: Jefferson (1926) by Albert Jay Nock. Also at JAYS (John Jay Chapman and Albert Jay …

2023-04-23 From Jeremy Adelman’s (2013) Wordly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman: When Ursula …

2023-04-22 New at IWP Books: Constructive Citizenship (1927) by L. P. Jacks. “The chapters on Skill, …

2023-04-18 “…when some months ago Huckleberry Finn was dropped from library lists by the New York board of …

2023-04-18 “A barrister made a long speech in the course of which a boy fell asleep in the gallery and …

2023-04-18 What is a real book? “Quite simply: it is a book one wants to reread. It can stand rereading because …

2023-04-13 From Doing the Right Thing by Albert Jay Nock: To make the case clearer, let us introduce a couple …

2023-04-12 “L. P. Jacks: The Art of Living Together. Originally published under the title Constructive …

2023-04-12 Jacques Barzun on Multiple Choice Tests (The House of Intellect): They should go. They are an …

2023-04-12 Tristram Shandy on Writing (Book VIII, Chapter II): “That of all the several ways of beginning …

2023-04-10 Agnes Repplier on Horace: That a poet should survive two thousand years is not remarkable. Whatever …

2023-04-10 New at IWP Articles: “Horace” (1937) by Agnes Repplier.

2023-04-10 New at IWP Books: Our Enemy, The State (1935) by Albert Jay Nock. Also at JAYS (John Jay Chapman and …

2023-04-09 New at IWP Books: On Doing the Right Thing (1928) by Albert Jay Nock. Also at JAYS (John Jay Chapman …




2023-04-04 Yoshino Cherry, Kew Gardens

2023-04-02 Israel, April 2023

2023-04-02 “The Super-Milk by Glaxo,” 1920, Welcome Collection, London

2023-03-29 New at IWP Books: The Book of Journeyman (1930) by Albert Jay Nock.

2023-03-28 From The Book of Journeyman (1930) by Albert Jay Nock: I have always lived close to the windward …

2023-03-26 New at IWP Books: The State of the Union by Albert Jay Nock.

2023-03-19 Rabelais (Gargantua, ch. 27, ed. Pléiade): En l’abbaye estoit pour lors un moine claustrier …

2023-03-18 Jacques Barzun (From Dawn to Decadence) on Rabelais: His great work is in five ‘books’ …

2023-03-18 “…among the two trios of thinkers whom Barzun was always to acknowledge as mentors – …

2023-03-18 George Orwell’s 1940 Review of Mein Kampf.

2023-03-17 “The book to read is A Journey Into Rabelais' France by Albert Jay Nock; but note that the …

2023-03-17 From Jacques Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence: Ortega y Gasset died at mid-century, but in his …

2023-03-09 “‘Real progress,’ in the words of Dr. R. R. Marett, ‘is progress in charity, all other advances …

2023-03-08 From “The Triumph of the Gadget” (1939) by Albert Jay Nock: During the last fifty years …

2023-03-08 From “The Amazing Liberal Mind” (1938) by Albert Jay Nock: A Liberal is dangerous for …

2023-03-07 “quand le soleil est couché, toutes bestes sont à l’umbre.” seigneur de humevesne …


2023-03-03 New at IWP Books: Things as They Are: Essays by Albert Jay Nock.

2023-02-26 New at IWP Books: Two Essays by Ahad Ha-Am.

2023-02-25 Jacques Barzun on The Relation of the State to Industrial Action & Economics and Jurisprudence …

2023-02-25 New at IWP Books: The Relation of the State to Industrial Action (1887) by Henry C. Adams.

2023-02-24 Jacques Barzun’s Review of Peter F. Drucker’s The Future of Industrial Man.

2023-02-24 New at IWP Books: The Future of Industrial Man (1942) by Peter F. Drucker.


2023-02-21 New at IWP Books: Ends and Means (1937) by Aldous Huxley.

2023-02-21 “Self-transcendence is through self-consciousness. A human being who spends most of his waking …

2023-02-21 From Aldous Huxley’s (1937) Ends and Means (Soon at IWP Books): Nevertheless, artistic creation and …

2023-02-21 From Aldous Huxley’s (1937) Ends and Means (Soon at IWP Books): In the democratic countries, …

2023-02-19 W. H. Auden was nominated 19 times for the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1966 by Lionel Trilling. …

2023-02-17 New at IWP Books: The End of Economic Man (1939) by Peter Drucker.

2023-02-16 New Issue of Comment Magazine, on Charting Social Change.

2023-02-16 Theodore Dalrymple on Lying to Ourseleves. One of the peculiarities of our age is the ferocity with …

2023-02-15 Dorothy Sayers on The End of Economic Man by Peter Drucker: A rather difficult book, that needs and …

2023-02-15 Soon at IWP Books: The End of Economic Man (1939) by Peter F. Drucker.


2023-02-14 Ordered: The Man Born to Be King by Dorothy L. Sayers 📚

2023-02-13 From Begin Here: A War-Time Essay (1940) by Dorothy L. Sayers. In times like the present, when we …

2023-02-13 New at IWP Books: Begin Here: A War-Time Essay (1940) by Dorothy L. Sayers.


2023-02-11 Are Women Human? (1938) by Dorothy L. Sayers at IWP Articles.

2023-02-09 An Essayist of Three Hundred Years Ago (1883) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton at IWP Articles.

2023-02-09 “We live now in days when Authority is said to be worn out and discredited. But never was …

2023-02-09 “The poet of our youth, he is also the companion of our age. Ever fresh and buoyant, the …

2023-02-08 The Omnipresence of Walter Bagehot (1987) by Norman St John-Stevas at IWP Articles.

2023-01-29 New at IWP Books: The English Constitution by Walter Bagehot.



2023-01-24 From Jacques Barzun, 1964, Of Human Freedom: If we know where free democracy resides and what it …

2023-01-24 “I am happy too that the subject of my lecture should be Walter Bagehot, who has been my revered …

2023-01-22 Israel 2023

2023-01-22 Israel 2023 (Haaretz Magazine Cover)

2023-01-22 Israel 2023

2023-01-22 “History shows that salvation has repeatedly come from the dauntless amateur who kept his eyes open …

2023-01-22 From Erwin Chargaff’s (1986) Serious Questions: An ABC of Skeptical Reflections: If the world can …

2023-01-22 New at IWP Books: The Love Letters of Walter Bagehot and Eliza Wilson.

2023-01-19 Jacques Barzun on The Love Letters of Walter Bagehot (Soon at IWP Books): Bagehot’s ability …

2023-01-19 Jacques Barzun (From Dawn to Decadence) on Walter Bagehot: The first thing to know about him is how …

2023-01-18 Soon at IWP Books: The Love Letters Walter Bagehot and Eliza Wilson (1933).

2023-01-16 Lately at IWP Books: Christopher Burney, 1961, Solitary Confinement Erwin Chargaff, 1977, Voices in …

2023-01-16 Post by Patrick Kurp on Jean Guéhenno’s Diary of Dark Years, 1940–1944.


2023-01-15 From In the Shadow of Tomorrow (1935) by Johan Huizinga: Unperturbed by folly and violence a vast …

2023-01-15 New at IWP Books: In the Shadow of Tomorrow (1935) by Johan Huizinga.

2023-01-15 From In the Shadow of Tomorrow (1935) by Johan Huizinga: The sense of human responsibility, …

2023-01-12 Jacques Barzun (From Dawn to Decadence) on Dorothy L. Sayers: Like Henry James, who gave a …

2023-01-11 Dorothy L. Sayers by Sir William Oliphant Hutchison, 1949–1950

2023-01-10 Ordered: The Man Born to Be King by Dorothy L. Sayers 📚

2023-01-10 habet mundus iste noctes suas et non paucas. – st. bernard

2023-01-09 Next at IWP Books: In the Shadow of Tomorrow (1935) by Johan Huizinga.

2023-01-09 From In the Shadow of Tomorrow (1935) by Johan Huizinga: We are living in a demented world. And we …

2023-01-08 From The Mind of the Maker (1941) by Dorothy Sayers: It is unpleasant to be called sinners, and …

2023-01-08 From The Mind of the Maker (1941) by Dorothy Sayers: It is common knowledge among school-teachers …


2023-01-08 New at IWP Books: The Mind of the Maker (1941) by Dorothy L. Sayers.

2023-01-08 From Constructive Citizenship (1927) by L. P. Jacks (Cited in Dorothy Sayers, The Mind of the …

2023-01-06 Cuckoo Policies by Theodore Dalrymple: “Stanford University has published, to much-deserved …

2023-01-05 “Jakob Burckhardt said to his students that there is no such thing as a historical method. …

2023-01-05 Alan Jacobs (@ayjay) has an idea for a “great project, Cassiodorus College.” Including …

2023-01-05 New at IWP Books: Journal in the Night (1950) by Theodor Haecker.

2023-01-04 The Transparent Page by Beatrice Warde. Printing demands a humility of mind, for the lack of which …

2023-01-04 This is a Printing Office by Beatrice Warde.

2023-01-03 “Here’s to Us! Who’s Like Us? Damn Few, and They’re All Dead,” by …

2023-01-03 W. H. Auden reciting Doggerel by a Senior Citizen, the first few stanzas of which: Our earth in …

2023-01-03 By Phyllis McGinley: One Crowded Hour of Glorious Strife (1950) and In Praise of Diversity (1953)

2023-01-03 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: The fact that language does not permit of …

2023-01-03 More Covers by Jan Tschichold

2023-01-03 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: “When he was ninety years old Prince …

2023-01-03 Covers by Jan Tschichold

2023-01-02 From Theodor Haecker (1950), Journal in the Night: “A curse on every wish that blurs the sight, …

2023-01-02 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: When I am told that the German youth of …

2023-01-02 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: Qua soldier, the German soldier is the …

2023-01-02 Two on Book Binding: (1) Repair, Fascinating #13 “Book”; (2) Japanese Book Binding. One …

2023-01-02 Recommended: Pizza Toast & Coffee (Thanks to Alan Jacobs, @ayjay)

2023-01-02 The Devotees of Expediency

2023-01-01 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: “There are periods when men are skeptical of the …

2023-01-01 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: “Beware of the terrible …

2023-01-01 Man, Suffering, Striving, Doing

2023-01-01 Alan Jacobs (@ayjay) on Illusions and Their Removal.

2023-01-01 Wisdom Weighed


2022-12-29 From Allan Janik & Stephen Toulmin’s (1973) Wittgenstein’s Vienna: When Kraus …

2022-12-29 Currently Reading: Wittgenstein’s Vienna by Allan Janik & Stephen Toulmin 📚

2022-12-29 Arrived: Thomas Browne: Selected Writings 📚

2022-12-29 Ted Gioia: “This is James Daunt’s super power: He loves books.” Alan Jacobs …

2022-12-29 Not a Leg to Stand On by Theodore Dalrymple.

2022-12-28 Soon at IWP Books: Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night.

2022-12-28 From Theodor Haecker (1950) Journal in the Dark: “The essence of modern dictatorship is the …

2022-12-28 The Voice of Wisdom

2022-12-28 New at IWP Books: Erwin Chargaff’s (1986) Serious Questions: An ABC of Skeptical Reflections.

2022-12-27 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: “The soul of the man who only has …

2022-12-26 From Erwin Chargaff’s (1986) Serious Questions: “Clearly, a chase has been declared on that odious …

2022-12-26 From Erwin Chargaff’s (1986) Serious Questions: “…I fear that, if we continue our efforts in the …

2022-12-26 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: “What is the most difficult thing …

2022-12-26 From Theodor Haecker’s (1950) Journal in the Night: “It is difficult enough to know …

2022-12-26 Alan Jacobs (@ayjay): “Please read this from Anne Snyder about all the cool and important …

2022-12-25 More or Less Complete Rubbish

2022-12-25 In Prayer and in Leadership

2022-12-25 Jewish Portraits by Klaas Berghout: Erwin Chargaff; Fritz Stern; Hans Jonas; Erika Landau; Yeshayahu …

2022-12-25 Rio Negro, Amazon, 2022

2022-12-25 Arrived: The Third Walpurgis Night by Karl Kraus 📚

2022-12-25 Arrived: Lessons of the Masters by George Steiner 📚

2022-12-25 A Learned Ignoramus

2022-12-25 Stupendous Floods of Information

2022-12-25 The Intellectual Life

2022-12-24 The Confusion of Language

2022-12-24 The Devil's Doctrine

2022-12-24 Auguste Rodin, 1882, Grief. Tel Aviv Museum of Art

2022-12-24 Alberto Giacometti, 1958, Small Bust of Diego. Tel Aviv Museum of Art

2022-12-24 Finished Reading: Diary of the Dark Years, 1940-1944: Collaboration, Resistance, and Daily Life in …

2022-12-24 Currently Reading: Anti-Freud: Karl Kraus’s Criticism of Psycho-analysis and Psychiatry by …

2022-12-24 Currently Reading: Serious Questions: An ABC of Skeptical Reflections by Erwin Chargaff 📚 Soon an …

2022-12-24 Books by John Jay Chapman, Albert Jay Nock, G. Lowes Dickinson, Anne Goodwin Winslow & More at …

2022-12-23 “Conspiracies of well-meaning people frequently end by the conspirators meaning less and less well.” …